James' Tech Blog

Remote admin for your mama’s Gentoo Boxen

by on Dec.02, 2009, under Remote Admin

So a couple years ago before I moved to NorCal I setup a computer for my mother. I did it with the intention that she would be able to use the webcam to communicate with my sister/nephew/niece in NorCal. I tried Ubuntu and got nowhere cause it just didn’t work. So I said screw it, I’ll throw Gentoo on it. It works great, but it’s hard to admin 2000 miles away. A year ago I did the big ’emerge -avu world’ took a couple days.

Long story short my brother said the other day he’s going to setup a WinXP boxen for her! WinXP are you kidding? So she can use Skype? You know Linux Skype does video right? Well I can fix that! And my mama’s Gentoo box! I have a pretty good scheme for how to do it with _minimal_ help from anyone actually in front of the machine.

Here’s the scheme:

Mama boxen gets IP addy for my router

Mama boxen reverse ssh into my router

I ssh into Mama boxen through router. Point-to-point encryption! Secure tunnel through 2 NATs and at least 4 firewalls!

I start fixing stuff (I’m going to setup a change-root on my machine so that I can build packages for her and just send binaries instead of having Mama boxen compile everything, well maybe the kernel)

Get VPN to my router, Skype, TightVNC, etc running so that I can kick more ass with remote admin.

Tell my brother’s not to worry about Mama boxen!

First I setup my router, an important aside my WRT54GS is running Openwrt Kamikaze 8.09,  to accept keys for ssh connection that way shell script can run without password input. I added a user to /etc/passwd and /etc/groups and put my new key into it’s .ssh/authorized_keys. Next I need to open up the firewall to allow connection to dropbear over WAN. I’m going to wait till I actually need that though.

Moving forward: I am going to have a script to update a special PHP script (on this website) with my public IP every so often. Then make a script to get the public IP from special PHP script and open reverse ssh tunnel with router using new user.

Once that’s done I will be able to ssh into Mama boxen through router and it should be pretty straight forward from there. Kernel updates are worrying me, but GRUB can have if/then, file exists kinda stuff so I should be able to work something out for that. Stay tuned for more and alot more specifics.

:, , ,

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